If the SPU Library does not own material you need, you may request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Login below to request books or articles, or to pick up an Interlibrary Loan that you have already requested.
If you need help accessing your account, contact the Interlibrary Loan specialist at 206-281-2154 or ill@xlhl.net.
Alumni are welcome to continue requesting interlibrary loans. Registering for an Interlibrary Loan Account requires an SPU username and password. Please visit xlhl.net/findmyid to retrieve that information. If you still have questions, contact Computer and Information Systems (CIS) at 206-281-2982 or help@xlhl.net. Alumni who graduated before 2005 should contact CIS to request a username.
Requesting dissertations through Interlibrary Loan
Log in to the ILL system and use the Book option in the New Request section of the sidebar. Some institutions will lend dissertations; some will not.
If a dissertation cannot be borrowed from another library, the Interlibrary Loan department can purchase a copy for you. The current cost is $36. Specify in the notes field of the request form if you are willing to pay $36 for a copy.
Eligible borrowers
SPU students, faculty, staff, alumni, Free Methodist pastors, and Friends of the Library members.
Turnaround time
Most materials arrive within one to two weeks, but could take longer depending on the location of the lending library. Plan ahead when submitting your requests to allow time for the materials to arrive before your deadline.
Fees and charges
Most ILL requests are free because we are able to find libraries that will send the material to us without charge. If we can’t find a free lender but you still want the material and are willing to pay, we can request it from a library that charges.
Please mark on your request the maximum amount of money (if any) you are willing to spend, as we only pass pre-approved charges on to you. Typical charges run from $15-25.
You are expected to return all materials by their due date and are responsible for any overdue fines or replacement costs for lost or damaged items. Books and other borrowed materials have an overdue fine of $1 per day.
To request a renewal, contact the ILL office at 206-281-2154 or ill@xlhl.net three days before the due date. Leave a message including your name and the ILL number from the strap on the book (preferred) or the title of the book you wish to renew.
After leaving this message, we will contact you to let you know the new due date. Materials obtained through ILL are for the exclusive use of the borrower. They cannot be placed on reserve or shared with other individuals.
The following items cannot be ordered through ILL:
- Books owned by SPU
- Materials for reserve or group use
- An entire issue of a periodical, magazine, or newspaper
- Audio or video materials
If you have questions please contact the interlibrary loan specialist, at 206-281-2154 or ill@xlhl.net.